Always wanted to learn guitar?

Start your guitar lessons from the comfort of your own home with Giuseppe Pucciarelli online lessons!





Interested in guitar lessons? Contact me using the email form below!

With over 10 years of experience in private instruction and group workshops, I’m passionate about guiding guitarists in their musical journey. I work with students of all levels, from complete beginners to seasoned professionals.

I specialize in taking guitarists from scratch—those who have never played before—to fluently playing their favorite songs in a short period of time, with dedicated practice.

For advanced players, I offer specialized instruction in jazz guitar. I can help you deepen your understanding of scales, modes, improvisation, and composition, ensuring you achieve mastery in these areas.


Lessons are tailored to your goals and interests. Common areas of focus include technique, improvisation, sight-reading, composition, ear training, and effective practice methods. I also support students in preparing for music exams, including Rockschool, ABRSM and Trinity College grades, from Grade 1 to Grade 8.

All sessions are conducted online via GoogleMeet.

Just bring your guitar, a reliable internet connection, and a passion for learning!




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Lesson Length

My son Luca who is now 11 has been learning guitar with Giuseppe since he was 7 years old. He’s made outstanding progress thanks to Giuseppe playful, kind and smart approach despite lessons being online which saves us the commute and enabled us to start during COVID times… Luca has passed 4 ABRSM exams and has already reached Grade 5. He’s played in school bands and with his friends, with joy and total mastery of the instrument for his age. It is a joy to see and I am forever grateful to Giuseppe. I highly recommend him as a teacher if you want your child to love music and enjoy every single lesson!!!

Marie (Luca’s mum)

I’ve been learning guitar with Giuseppe through online lessons on Google Meet, and the experience has been transformative. When I started, I knew absolutely nothing about the guitar. Now, I can confidently play Pink Floyd songs (my favorite band) and truly understand what I’m doing.

Giuseppe has an exceptional teaching style that breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand lessons. Thanks to his guidance, my understanding of harmony has drastically improved. He is patient, encouraging, and always makes sure to tailor the lessons to fit my progress and interests.

If you’re looking to improve your guitar skills, I highly recommend Giuseppe. His expertise and dedication have made a huge difference in my musical journey.
